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File Created: 12-May-1997 by Robert (Bob) A. Lane (RAL)
Last Edit:  12-May-1997 by Robert (Bob) A. Lane (RAL)

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Name BLACK Mining Division Cariboo
BCGS Map 093H048
Status Showing NTS Map 093H07E
Latitude 053º 29' 00'' UTM 10 (NAD 83)
Longitude 120º 35' 05'' Northing 5928755
Easting 660260
Commodities Manganese, Travertine Deposit Types J03 : Mn veins and replacements
H01 : Travertine
Tectonic Belt Omineca Terrane Cariboo
Capsule Geology

The Black manganese oxide showing is located just south of Highway 16, approximately 36 kilometres northwest of McBride. It is about 1 kilometre west on the Goat River (Hill zone) gold-vein showing (093H 042).

The Black showing consists of MnO2 (pyrolusite) coatings on/in a buff-coloured calcareous tufa (travertine) deposit. The tufa is extremely porous and the earthy MnO2 comprises approximately 50 per cent of the volume of the rock where it was sampled. A 2.5-metre deep pit exposes the deposit and hand augering has tested the zone to a depth of 4 metres. Nearby, manganese oxide reportedly occurs cementing glacial gravels.

PERS COMM R.A. Lane, May 12, 1997